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Am I Doing This Right? Part II • Core Thinking Blog

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

More guidelines to help you make the most of your workout

In the first part of this post, we talked about what kinds of activity you should be getting and how much of each type you should strive for. Now that we understand a bit about the different types of activity, it’s time to examine ways that you can formulate an exercise plan that will allow you to remain active while stuck at home.

First, we need some type of motivation to help us get started. After all, the hardest part is starting! So, set a goal: What do you want to do that you can’t now? Look for something that is tangible and attainable. For instance, last year I decided I needed a reason to exercise on my own, so I decided to try a Sprint Triathlon. I signed up, then told many people I was going to do it. After all, it’s harder not to do it when you have paid for it and told people about it!

Maybe you want to get into that new swimsuit this summer, or you want to hike part of the Pacific Crest Trail. Maybe you want to try out for a sports team or you have an active child that wants to keep in shape. Find a purpose, then set the goal. You might even find a new passion along the way!

What comes next?

Now that you’ve created a tangible goal, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What has worked for you in the past? Can you adapt it to your current situation?

  • What type of activities would you enjoy or would motivate you to regularly participate?

  • Have you ever been curious about something new like pilates or yoga? Check out some opportunities to learn on the web. Many companies offer free tools to help during this time of crisis.

  • Is there an activity that one of your family members is involved in that you could join them in? Maybe you would find you liked it! I work out with my college girl while she does her volleyball workout!

Asking yourself these questions will give you a snapshot of what might be right for you. In the end, you are looking for something that is fun, manageable, and able to get you up and moving.

Tips and Tricks to Getting Started

  • Lose the excuses. Get rid of excuses like “I’m too busy” or “I’m too tired”. In order to succeed, you need to take accountability for getting exercise and counteract the excuses that only want to see you fail.

  • Write it out. Create an exercise plan for your week that’s easy to follow and keep it posted somewhere where it will remind you. If you can’t commit to the full amount of time, at least commit to five minutes.

  • Find an accountability partner. Whether it’s your kids, spouse, or friend over Skype, find someone who can help you stick to the routine you created for yourself. You might consider contacting your normal exercise partner and suggest a way to stay connected.

  • Get your whole family involved. Find a fun activity that involves your whole family. Maybe you could try a new dance video or take up a new activity such as biking or gardening. Better yet, dust off the sports equipment stored in the garage and resume an activity you once did!

  • Consider using an Exercise app: There are a variety of free apps that you can use to record your exercise, or challenge a friend or a group of friends to work out. Some apps even connect you virtually to someone in your area that enjoys the same activity!

  • Create a workout space. Just as you might have had to set up a work-from-home setup in the past weeks, you might try to set up a dedicated workout space as well. This could help you feel more like the normal activity of going to the gym and could prevent the temptation of calling it a day and heading for the couch. Be creative!!

  • Experiment and find what you like! Just because you dislike one kind of exercise doesn’t mean you dislike them all! Spend some time finding activity that makes you excited to be active. Don’t be afraid to take the time to find what makes you look forward to working out.

Take advantage of available resources

Don’t let being at home keep you from getting the exercise you need to stay happy and healthy! The Let’s Move Campaign has many helpful resources to help you get started forming a routine that will benefit you now and in the future. Visit to learn more about where to start and tips to keep you going.

As always, contact me with questions and don’t forget to follow CoreFit on Facebook!

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